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Classes & Workshops

“If we observe ourselves truthfully and non-judgmentally, seeing the  mechanisms of our
personality in action, we can wake up, and our  lives can be a miraculous unfolding of beauty and joy.”  

― Don Riso

Make 2019 YOUR Year!

A Year-Long Program to Help You Create What You Want


Do you want certain things to be different in 2019?  Are you tired of wanting the same things over and over and not ever making them happen?  Have you wanted this for a long time and growing more frustrated as life plods along? 


Perhaps you are pumping yourself up and looking to the turn of the year to give you the motivation you need.  If so, what will make 2019 different from all the rest so far? 


Setting resolutions?  . . . maybe, but I doubt it. 


Buying a new planner?  . . . If only!  


“Wishing” for things to be different?  . . . Been there, tried that, stayed right where I was!


If you want things to really change then you have to really change something.  It won’t work to just throw a little energy in its direction and cross your fingers.

Most people lack the hard-core tools for making real and lasting change.  Because of this, most people meander through life wishing, hoping, praying for change then ultimately resigning to the belief that things ain’t ever gonna get better. I don’t want this to be you!

Here’s what I believe we all need for real change:

  1. To uncover the REAL reason or reasons you want change.  Finding your WHY DO I WANT THIS is crucial!

  2. Accountability to others.  Having cheerleaders, coaches and confidants who will nudge and praise and challenge you to stay the course!

  3. Tools for recognizing and managing the resistance that ALWAYS comes up.  A Tool Box of tried and true strategies to shrink resistance and allow success to take root!

  4. A path or guide to follow.  In other words, a realistic, step-by-step guide leading directly to what you desire.

  5. And finally, . . . did I mention Accountability!  This is the biggee. 








Beginning in February 2019, I will begin a group comprised of women COMMITTED to making 2019 the year real change happen.  Women who want to take the reigns to one or more areas of their life and head toward their goals in tangible ways. 


Is this you?  Are you someone who wants to . . .

  • Experience balance . . . that evasive feeling where your life contains the many things you crave? 

  • Finally leave your job . . . you know the one that’s not meeting your needs?

  • Start the business you know you’re destined to run?

  • Make your health a high priority.  Maybe lose weight, begin exercising, make self-care a must? 

  • Get organized and stop tolerating disorganization and clutter? 

  • Make space for and attract the love of your life?

  • Experience more tranquility, security and peace of mind?

  • Stop living pay check to pay check or losing sleep worrying about money? Instead create and implement a plan for financial well-being?

  • Craft a life that works on ALL levels?


So, ask yourself, “Why haven’t I been able to create this life already?”  Better yet, ask yourself, “What am I willing to see/do/believe to finally have what I want?”  Don’t beat yourself up here but perhaps consider that its time to admit that doing what you’ve been doing so far just isn’t working.  BTW: if it had worked you would not still be reading about this offer.)

Now ask yourself “How much do I really want things to change?  If you really, REALLY want this, then stop fiddle-farting around and commit to making 2019 the year for real change. . . and let me help!

I have gobs and gobs of tools, suggestions, tips, techniques and energy to help you shift things and make a real difference in what your life looks like.  I can meet you in the middle and teach you new ways of approaching change AND provide you with loving and FIRM accountability so that you make change a top priority.


Wanna do this thing?  Here is what I am offering.

  • Learn how to create a plan that stands a chance of being implemented.

  • Uncover your own personal vision that will enable you to craft your ideal life.

  • Learn ways to use pen and paper or electronics to help you make lasting change.

  • Learn how to set yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals .  And then achieve them.

  • Learn how to set these goals so they motivate you rather than make you feel like crap when you look at them months later.

  • Find ways and energy to really take care of all that needs to be done. . .  including taking care of your self!

  • Group time and one-on-one time with me. I’ve been coaching people for over 20 years to get out of their own way and make lasting change.

The Program Includes:


  • Detailed questionnaire to be completed prior to the start of the class. (Many say change begins to happen before coaching even begins!)

  • A day-long seminar to get the ball rolling on Saturday, February 16th.  This will either be in my home or at another location depending on the group size.

  • Monthly buddy meetings with other class members . . . with homework.

  • Monthly in-person classes/meeting the second Tuesday of every month beginning March 2019. 

  • Monthly conference calls with the whole class (TBA)

  • An on-line assessment to determine your Enneagram personality type.  

  • A comprehensive notebook for tracking your desires, your struggles and your successes! 

  • Three one-hour, in-person or phone coaching session with Cheri throughout the year to keep you focused on your goals and outcomes.


Your Investment:

  • Time:  I'm serious when I say that TIME is the biggest investment in the program.  This class requires you make the it a priority and make every effort to attend all of the in-person classes, phone calls and buddy meetings.  You deserve this level of commitment as do your classmates.

  • Financial Commitment:  Down payment of $297 due before the class begins.  Monthly payments: Mark - December (10 payments total) of &150, automatically drafted at the first of the month.  


Listen, I know change is hard.  But life is too LONG (yes, I meant to say too long here) to tolerate not having or doing or being what you really want.  Let me help you turn things in the direction of what you most desire.  Let me help you make 2019 THE year you make real change.

Call me at 828-768-3541 or email me at with you questions.

Down Payment: $297 + 10 monthly pymts of $150

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“Progress always involves risk.  You can't steal second with your foot on first."  

― Mary R. 

(Anonymous 20th Century American Writer)

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