Is your team kickin' it?
As a leader, do you feel the pressure to keep everything afloat, anticipate problems, and always have solutions? If so, then let me tell you . . . you're doing it wrong.
Effective leader doesn't put themselves way out in front of those whom they lead. Instead, they turn TOWARD their people, cultivate the brilliance and drive in the room to create the best results possible.
A good leader helps their team bring their "A" game to their job to create a win-win-win outcome.
Are you ready to:
model authentic humanness in the workplace to create a safe space for experimentation and innovation?
initiate conversations that have real substance?
unite your people around a common goal?
see the brilliance in all your team members
get fired up about what can happen as you crowdsource the wisdom in the room?
harness the brilliance that already exists in your organization?
are you ready to let go of what no longer is working and replace it with new, effective strategies?
Let me help you transform your people and your organization with the 3 Pillars of Purpose-Full Leadership: Purposeful Questions, Purposeful Conversations, Purposeful Actions.
Let's hop on a call and explore how I can help you lead more purposefully!
In a time where employee engagement is at an all-time low, we must find a way to grow our people. We do this with what I call the 3 Pillars of Purpose (recipe for building your team on purpose): Purposeful Questions, Purposeful Conversations and Purposeful Actions. I use these three pillars to help you (and your team or community) connect deeply to solve problems through a whole-system, collaborative approach that focuses on strengths, expands thinking, breaks through blocks and establishes new routines. I offer you heartfelt accountability to help you thrive when the stakes are highest.
Click here if you're ready to discuss taking your team to the next level!

I help leaders in. . .
Health Care Organizations
Human Service Organizations
Non-Profit Organizations
Progressive Companies
Professional Associations
to . . .
Generate conversations between members/attendees that lead to deep connection
Infuse content (learning) with conversation to accelerate learning
Move from a passive to active style of sharing information
Shift from 'sage on the stage' insight sharing to crowdsourcing wisdom
Create an environment of belonging and continuous building of communal capital
Solve business problems by moving from problem to possibility thinking
Build a culture of belonging and innovation
Create shared purpose / vision / values and bring their vision to life
Strategically convene their clients to create learning communities
Solve business problems by moving from problem to possibility thinking
by . . .
Designing an agenda aligned with desired outcomes
Being your strategic partner up to and throughout the event
Facilitating the event(s) and managing back-end tech on Zoom
Measuring outcomes and sharing back wisdom / crowdsourced results with the group
Engaging the team in designing the event to ensure alignment with culture and strategy
Let's hop on a call and explore how I can help you lead more purposefully!