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Imagine a whole week to focus on your business!

Doesn't that sound delicious?

Join me . . . 

and other entrepreneurial women September 29th - October 5th in Government Camp Oregon near Mt Hood!


Lodging in a gorgeous home in Government Camp, Oregon near  Mt Hood.


All of your meals 


All of the training materials including a comprehensive Participant Manual


Super fun swag to help you at the retreat and also when you get home




3+ months of coaching October 2024 - January 2025

The fee includes:


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Praise from Participants

Spending a week with Cheri and a group of like-minded women was priceless!! It was the perfect mix of business training, group coaching, fun activities, fellowship, and time for rest. I left the retreat with clarity, focus, and excitement for my business as well as a tangible 2 yr plan, clear goals, and the confidence to implement said goals with the accountability of the follow-up coaching. Having Cheri in your corner, guiding you & rooting for you is like having a bad-ass business bestie for life!!!

Lambeth Evans



As CEO of your life and biz  

. . . you know your business must fit within the life you want.  However, to make that happen, you must have a crystal-clear, 50K-foot view of it all.  


But things get in the way and this comprehensive vision remains elusive or out of focus.  


It’s nearly impossible to find the time and space when you’re knee-deep in all the things you have to do on a daily basis.



So what happens?

You look for quick answers from all the “experts” only to find that your hard drive is full of freebies and programs that might work . . . if you only had the time to check them out.


Your inner critic and her cronies grab the microphone way too often choking out the wisest parts of yourself.


You feel shame because you don't feel like a CEO so you hide out, spending far too much time alone meanwhile you CRAVE companionship with other like-minded women.


You slip into putting out fires rather than lighting your own internal flame.

I see you and I feel you.

You're so tired of . . .

  • Having brilliant ideas and no time to flesh them out.​


  • Watching other people seem to effortlessly nail this “run your own business” thing and worrying that you're missing something.​


  • Setting goals and doing all the things you’re “supposed to do” but getting no real momentum.  


  • Swirling around in your thoughts when what you want is honest feedback to help you make decisions.


  • Getting only lackluster results despite working your sweet little ass off.


  • NOT making bank in the amount that fuels the LIFE you truly want!

Then you remember you’re an entrepreneur by choice!  


You chose this path.  


You KNOW this is exactly where you need to be.

You remember you’re here to do great things!

This is why I've created the

Design Your Biz                                  Women's Retreat

On Purpose

I’ve created this to. . . 

Provide you the space and time to dream, envision, and plan.  These important tasks CAN’T be done while waiting in the school pick-up line or between meetings.  Chances are your best thoughts can't come forward in your office because it's just grown stale.  You need to be in a new space to dream!

Meditating in Nature
Happy Women

Put women, just like you in the room together for a whole week!  People who don't have their own businesses simply can't understand those of us who do.  We NEED connection with other brave & wacky, entrepreneurs like ourselves.  And when you fill a house of heart-centered, badass businesswomen then WATCH OUT!  Magic is afoot!

Women Laughing on Beach

Give the boost to women like you who need to put their best work out into the world because damn it, we need powerful women to make the moola, touch lives and change the world for the better!!!

Provide a framework and an opportunity to . . .

  • ask and answer purposeful questions

  • have purposeful conversations with ourselves and others

  • take purposeful actions both at the retreat and when you get home

I have a super-cool formula (see below) for how to create your life and business ON PURPOSE.  I provide the framework; you provide YOUR answers. 


Hi, I’m Cheri,

For years I worked my fanny off woman trying to build a business and raise two neurodiverse kids as a single mom.  Oh, the stories I can tell you about my failures would fill 10 books! 


I was tired, lonely, frustrated . . . yet I knew I was meant to be an entrepreneur.  I was either too committed or too foolish to quit. 


During those early years, I was hustling all the time, twirling way too many plates on sticks; trying to raise my kids, working hard to hide my negativity so I could keep getting hired as a motivational speaker, worrying about too-little finances, trying to NOT kill my ex-husband or accidentally marrying someone just like him, and build a life and business that made getting out of bed worth it.


Can you feel me?


I’m quite proud to say I made it through.  Those shit-show years showed me so much about what I believe MOST women go through when they decide to become entrepreneurs.  Building a business that fits your life is effin' hard!

Business Women are my favs!

My work with entrepreneurs began in  2006 when a business buddy and I developed a coaching program for solopreneur women in Asheville NC.  Over the next four years, I would coach about 12 different cohorts of businesswomen on how to build their businesses.  I've continued to coach businesswomen (and men) ever since.  


A few months back, after so many encounters with businesswomen who were EXTRA tired and lonely, I decided to pull my old program back and finally fulfill a long-time fantasy of mine: To put women business owners together in a beautiful location and help them stand in their power, have time to breathe and dream and help them create a doable, inspired plan. 


I took my original program and blew it out of the water.  I’ve expanded it (cuz I’ve learned so much since 2006) and packaged it in a very assessable way.

I now create containers where businesswomen can step away from their familiar environment and day-to-day demands so they can do purposeful work on their business, not just IN their business.  


This retreat is a time of personal reflection, dreaming and visioning, working on limiting and empowering beliefs, goal setting, system building, and taking a deep and loving look at what both get in your way and what is there to help you soar!


Let's be honest . . . a lot of what you’ll learn in this retreat will be things you likely already know.  But knowing things does not always mean you're doing those things.  In this retreat, there will be a huge focus on "purpose-full" doing.   


Regardless of how long you've been in business, you MUST make time to ask, re-ask, and ask again purposeful questions like:


  • What do I want?

  • Why do I want it?

  • What’s at stake? 

  • What am I here to do?

  • How do I get in my way?

  • What am I committed to doing when I get home?


Just like we don’t take a bath and consider ourselves clean for life, the same goes for running our business.  We have to do it over and over.  The same goes for aligning and realigning our businesses.

Solopreneurs—we all need a Cheri Honeycutt in our lives! While we are inundated with offers and “shiny” packages of “the no-fail formulas" to build the "business of your dreams", the majority of those are really just others trying to capitalize on how frustrating and sometimes downright lonely or scary it can be to be your own boss—to figure out how to create a meaningful life without burning out, set boundaries, stick to your values, maintain your focus and enthusiasm without “traditional” feedback or regular paychecks, tap your unique strengths, navigate the exhausting decision noise, surf the seas of self-doubts and comparisons, all while living a full life of your choosing. 


In contrast, Cheri is passionately, heartfully focused on you doing you—whatever that means. A fabulous coach (and I teach coaching so I know!), she combines her incredible creativity and business acumen with her sensitivity, intuition, humility, and unique ability to cut through the crap and find what matters. Her brilliant humor and infectious laugh make working with her enjoyable and often healing. No matter where you are in your professional or personal life, Cheri helps you find clarity and motivation, set realistic goals, and align your future with your true self. We weren’t meant to do this world alone! I am so grateful I worked with her at the beginning of my solopreneur journey and that I’ve been able to count on her friendship ever since. 



Cynthia Ackrill, MD, PCC

Stress Strategist

What Makes This Retreat Special?

I believe the brilliance is in the room!  I'll be your "guide on the side" but YOUR answers lie within!  I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I do use my superpower of asking some of the best questions.  I’ve been called the Gracious “But” kicker . . . so be warned!


This is an immersive experience.  You get to dive completely into you and only you and your business (that doesn't mean participants won't help one another.)  This retreat is an invitation to  I step away from the daily side of your business and luxuriate in the big picture. 


Then I help you plan/tweak or create an entirely new action plan.  You leave knowing what to do!


We will not just be working on your business (money, clients, systems) but we will also be working on YOU!  Yes, inner, and outer work. You know this by now . . . if you’re brave enough to be an entrepreneur then you’ve got to get to know yourself, warts, and all.


There will be many opportunities to know yourself better, uncover your uniqueness, and use knowledge to create the biz you want.


It’s a retreat. . .  so while we'll be doing a lot of work, we will also be doing purpose-full rest and relaxation. From swinging on the porch, to fire circles or sleeping late, you will have the best of both worlds; you will both pull back and retreat while you makes plans to return home and advance your biz! 

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Over the week we’re together, I'll take you through the Purpose-Full Business Formula.


I'll guide you through a process to take full ownership of your business, a foundational step that makes all the difference.


You’ll have a whole week to allow your clear and enticing Vision of your biz come into focus.


I’ll help you uncover the power of community and uncover who you already know and whom you will get to know on purpose!


Then, there are the systems; the processes you put in place to get things done.  I'll help you set up simple and sustainable systems THAT FIT YOU!


And then finally, we'll be all about ACTION, but not action for action’s sake.  Your biz will flourish when you learn to discern between misaligned actions and actions that are aligned, easy, and in flow. 


PLUS . . . after this incredible week together, we’ll continue with 3 months of group coaching We will have multiple coaching calls and hang out together in a private Facebook group.  The richness will continue long after we hug each other goodbye!

You know what happens when you

Design and Build your Life and Business

On Purpose, don’t you?


You feel aligned.

You’re energized.

You’re in flow.

You’re unstoppable.

Clients and money come to you by magic.

You sleep better.

You make decisions with ease.

You take potent action.

You stop second-guessing.

You keep your eyes on your own paper.

You trust your intuition.

You have way MORE HAPPY and a lot LESS CRAPPY!

You have a greater impact and make more money.


Lodging in a gorgeous home in Government Camp, Oregon near  Mt Hood.


All of your meals 


All of the training materials including a comprehensive Participant Manual


Super fun swag to help you at the retreat and also when you get home




3+ months of coaching October 2024 - January 2025

The fee includes:


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Investment is $6000 with payment plans available 

Space is limited to 8 entrepreneurs. 

There is only one single occupancy space and it is $6400.  

All other bedrooms are shared spaces.  


Travel to and from the airport is your responsibility but help/guidance will be provided.  Carpooling is encouraged. 


I have three wonderful bonuses to offer for the folks who sign up first.  


  • Two 60-minute coaching sessions with Cheri.  That's over an $700 value!  These can be used anytime before June 2025.


  • $700 OFF!!  Who doesn't love a deal?  Sign up by 8/13/2024 and get $700 off the already No-brainer price (yes, I'm aware how cheesy that sounds! HA)




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  •  Both of my books "BOOM THinking: the Gutsty Guide to Breaking Out of Old Mindsets" and "Get Off Your Buts" (each written as Cheri Britton) PLUS your choice between two of my favorite card decks; either the Sacred Creators Oracle deck by Chris-Ann or The Cosmic Journey Oracle by Yanik Silver.


Register by July 30, 2024, and receive all three!


Register by August 13, 2024, and receive the $700 discount and the books and card deck.  


Register by September 3, 2024, and receive the books and card deck.  

Imagine . . . 

* how PUMPED you'll feel after a week of purposeful communityR & R, and meaningful exploration.


* sitting in your car or on the plane going back home knowing exactly what to do when you're back in the office.  


* knowing you’re most definitely the kickass CEO of your beautiful biz!

Have Questions?

You can reach me in a variety of ways; call me, shoot me an email, or schedule a 30-minute Zoom conversation.  I'd be thrilled to any questions you have!

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