How do you live your life more
On Purpose?
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.
If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”
Nora Roberts
What's the secret to a happy life? Well, I won't be so bold as to tell you I've answered this $64,000 question all by myself. But I will tell you what I've found to be true for me and those I've coached. I have distilled from people far wiser than me seven important tenets that will help you . . .
quit living by default, where one day bleeds into the next
stop blaming others for what's not working in your life
discover the source for authentic, inspired action
find the confidence to stick with things
stop spinning your wheels
bust through obstacles
allow miracles and magic to take place
I think the key to creating your "pinch-worthy" life lies in these seven tenets.
Take 100% Responsibility
For Everything
Have a Crystal Clear Vision
Of What You Want
Know Your Big Why
Deep In Your Soul
Declare, Without Apology
What You Want
Release & Let Go
Of Whats Not Working
Create & Navigate Tension
Live Just Outside Your Comfort Zone
Embrace the Mystery
Lean Into the Unknown
But how do you do that?
One, often unsexy and uncomfortable, step at a time.
No one accidently walks into their ideal life. We all show up with wounds (which are actually the pathway to our greatest learnings), expectations put on us by others (family, society or even who we used to be!) and if we're not careful our TRUE desires get lost.
So, we need a map. We need a recipe. We need thought joggers to keep us awake, aligned and attuned to what we truly want.
That's what I believe these 7 tenets are. Seven touchstones to keep us asking the purpose-full questions and taking purpose-full actions one beautiful step at a time.
Wanna go even deeper and faster?
Are you tired of "waiting" for your life to be what you want it to be?
Let's hop on a call and see if Purpose-Full Life Coaching is what you need.
Ask yourself . . .
Is there a vast chasm between where I am in my life and where I want to be?
Do I have a desire for things to be different?
Am I tired of spinning my wheels like a Jeep stuck in the mud?
Have I had the same goals and desires on my "someday" list for a long time?
Do I want to give my own needs some attention, but I feel I am at the beck and call of others?
Do I keep pushing that part of me that wants to come forward to the back burner?
If you've said yes to any of the above, answer these questions.
Do I truly want to change?
Am I ready to focus on my own desires?
Am I committed to discovering and dissolving obstacles?
Am I willing to stop making excuses for staying in the same place?
Am I ready to show up for myself On Purpose?
Am I prepared to change my habits?
Am I ready to be on the life changing path?