Warning . . . the is sarcasm. I’m sad that I have to point this out but I’ve had emails in the past. Yikes.
Creating the life and business you want can be scary. And despite what some folks will tell you . . . it can be hard. Why do you think so many people stay right where they are, not venturing out to make things change? It’s easier and pretty darn comfy. That’s why I call this the Velvet Rut. So if you are one of those people who want to stay right where you are, the list below will help you do just that.
1. Keep your desires and your dreams a secret. Don’t share your dreams with anyone. In fact, try to even keep them hidden from yourself. Because there is evidence that people who talk about what they want and share with others actually DO CHANGE. So mum’s the word!
2. Wait until you have everything in order before you spend time on your future. One of the best ways to stay stuck is to put 100% of your attention on what is going on right now. Whatever you do, do not take time to dream or plan or pursue your passions. There is work that needs to be done right now. No dessert until you’ve eaten all of your veggies!
3. Hang around people who are negative and fearful and think small. One of the best ways to stay in a velvet rut is to share that space with other low achievers and nay-sayers. But you won’t have a problem here. There are plenty of people who are quite happy right where they are. You have to be careful though. Big dreamers are fun people and will cleverly encourage you to think positive and take action. They are sneaky little boogers!
4. Use your time and energy to compare yourself with others who are not stuck. Thank goodness, you will always be able to find examples of people who are doing a better job than you in just about every aspect of your life. There are thinner people, more disciplined, wealthier, and people with lots of friends and all in all seem HAPPY. It’s quite productive to spend time each day seeing how much you don’t measure up to their standards. This strategy is the quickest way to nip a surge energy in the bud. So keep it handy.
5. Find, record and relish in all the things that aren’t working for you. Any respectable person who wants to stay right where they are is well-versed in what isn’t going their way. Here are some examples: the economy is down, maybe you are too young or too old. What about all the times you’ve tried to change in the past but weren’t successful! Keep this list at the ready to squelch any ideas that you can have the life you want.
Don't stay stuck. Please, make your life a priority. I can help.